


test afbeelding

Jan Ros

born 1961,  Winterswijk

works and lives in Amersfoort

1987-1991 Rietveld Academie Amsterdam

1981-1987 Akademie voor Beeldende Kunsten Utrecht



Architecture and the urban environment are recurring subjects in the art of Jan Ros. In his paintings the most important objects consist of apartment buildings, villa's, interiors, office buildings and motorways. The image of a gray apartment building or a somewhat declined petrol station alongside the motorway is painted by Ros in such a way that the beholder is triggered to have a new look at these everyday objects and situations. The affinity with photographers who subject their pictures to the contemporary urban landscape is strongly present. The paintings look like photographic stills. However, the works of Ros go beyond solely capturing a scene. In the paintings of Jan Ros quickness and stillness seemingly merge without effort.


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